Brenda Cheers

Australia, Queensland, Brisbane

Brenda Cheers is known for doing everything in life at a fast pace so it came as no surprise to the people closest to her that once she decided to become a novelist, it all happened quickly.
A course in Creative Writing was quickly followed by a more advanced one. She excelled in each.
“In Strange Worlds” was published in January 2014. This is a suspense novel which contains surprises and twists. Brenda completed four full drafts before being satisfied with the result, but she found the work enjoyable because the story held her interest. It finished with a question mark however, and fans wanted more. “What happens next?” was the question that Brenda received via Facebook, email and in reviews.
“In a Time Where They Belong”, the second in the series, answered those questions, but then posed more. “Cato’s Prophecy” came next. Still the fans wanted questions answered. Brenda made sure that “Requiem for Titus” satisfied everyone.
Her heroes in the literary world are James Salter, Pat Conroy and Michael Ondaatje for their finally crafted prose, and fellow Brisbane writers Nick Earls and Ashley Hay.
Brenda, who lives near Brisbane, Australia, enjoys watching indie, Arthouse and foreign films. She also enjoys cycling, walking and dabbling in new technology.