Carrie Tiffany
Carrie Tiffany was born in West Yorkshire and grew up in Western Australia. A former park ranger, she has twenty years’ experience as a researcher, writer, editor and teacher of creative writing. Her publication record includes three Miles Franklin Award shortlisted novels: Everyman’s Rules for Scientific Living; Mateship with Birds; and Exploded View.
She has published numerous prize-winning short stories and non-fiction in journals including New Australian Writing (Beijing), Australian Book Review, Overland, Meanjin, HEAT, Penguin Summer Stories, BBC International Short Stories, Griffith Review, Best Australian Essays, and The Monthly.
Carrie was the inaugural winner of the Stella Prize, and has won the Christina Stead Prize for Fiction, the Queensland Prize for Fiction, the Western Australian Premier’s Prize for Fiction, the Victorian Premier’s Prize for an unpublished manuscript, and the Dobbie First Book Award.
Carrie is a Lecturer in English and Creative Writing at La Trobe University.