Dirk Strasser
- Literature & Fiction
- > American Literature
- > Short Stories & Anthologies
- > Short Stories
- > Short Stories Anthologies
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
- > Fantasy
- > Anthologies
- > Epic
- > Fantasy Anthologies
- > Historical
- > Humorous Fantasy
- > Magical Realism
- > Paranormal & Urban
- > Paranormal & Urban Fantasy
- > Sword & Sorcery Fantasy
- > Science Fiction
- > Science Fiction Anthologies
Dirk has written over 30 books. He has won multiple Australian Publisher Association Awards, a Ditmar for Best Professional Achievement, and has been short-listed for the Aurealis and Ditmar Awards a number of times. His epic fantasy trilogy The Books of Ascension—Zenith, Equinox and Eclipse—was published in German and English, and his short stories have been translated into several languages. “The Doppelgänger Effect” appeared in the World Fantasy Award-winning anthology Dreaming Down Under. He is the co-editor of Australia’s premier science-fiction and fantasy magazine, Aurealis. He has been a high school teacher, a writer of best-selling textbooks, an educational software developer, a publishing manager and a soccer club president. His historical fantasy novel Conquist was first published as a short story in the anthology Dreaming Again. The serialized version of Conquist was a finalist in the Aurealis Awards Best Fantasy Novel category. Dirk’s screenplay version of Conquist won the Wildsound Fantasy/Sci-Fi Festival Best Scene Reading Award and was a featured finalist in the Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival and the Creative World Awards.