Garry Willmott

Australia, Tasmania, Huon Valley

Garry has written nine historically based novels, “The Other Side of the Trench -The Spirit of War” ,“Brothers in Arms” and “Red Lights on the Somme”, “Survival” “Small Farm Warriors”, “ Boys Own War”, “Colour Blind” “Soul Survivor” and “Serendipity”. He has also written a non fiction book, “Escape” about true accounts of POW escapes. His ninth novel “You Forgot the Sauce “ based around Alzheimer’s has just been published.(see review) The tenth novel, Soul Survivor – Lara’s Story was completed in April 2016.

The Other Side of the Trench has been published as an ebook and paperback. Brothers in Arms is available in Hardback, Paperback and as an ebook. Escape is available in both ebook and paperback it has been expanded with several new escapes. Red Lights on the Somme is available in both ebook and paperback formats. Garry was invited to write an article for “The Punch” a News LTD publication regarding the “MISSING” on the Western Front. Published in 2011 it was very well received with over sixty comments.

Garry has been married to Anna for over twenty years and has two adult daughters, Emma and Sophie from a previous marriage. He is the proud grandfather of Ivy born April 2016. Garry and Anna live in an 1840 homestead in the Huon Valley Tasmania. He had thirty-five years in the IT industry and had several articles published in industry magazines. Born in Melbourne he has lived in five states and travelled extensively for both business and pleasure.