Josephine Allen

Australia, Queensland, Brisbane

After a career as a surveyor in Papua New Guinea and northern New South Wales, Australia, a life-long reader — of history, adventure, mystery, romance, biography, sci-fi — started writing himself.
He wasn’t a touch-typist, but found two fingers quite adequate for the task.
He had stories published in the Australian Women’s Weekly and other magazines. Two novels picked up by an e-publisher. Won writing competitions. Became a writing-comp judge.
Best of all, his wife was an accredited editor. That’s why her name appears with his. We’re a team. She keeps his prose tight and his characters’ dialogue believable.
But waiting for the thumbs-up from traditional publishers became tiresome.
That’s why our name and books have appeared on your radar at this time, via the magic of e-publishing.
Love being swept up in intriguing plots, memorable characters and dangerous historical periods? You’ll really enjoy these page-turners!
After you rip through your first book, you’ll want more. That’s fine. For your pleasure and wisdom, he has spun more stories in many different and fascinating historical epochs … including the present, and the near future.