Maryanne Ross

Australia, Victoria, Ballarat

Maryanne Ross is totally addicted to reading and writing fiction. She adores dreaming up action-packed historical romances laced with sparkle and spice, featuring independent heroines, flawed heroes, and satisfying endings. Read and enjoy Shipwreck Sadie, #1 in her new series #Bride ship to Australia, and her unique #Victorians Unlaced romances: Bouncing the Bustle, Crushing the Corset, and Pitching the Petticoat. Wylder Opal is set in Wylder West, and is a wild west romance. Maryanne has a science degree in horticulture, and many of her stories are set in gardens and beautiful wild landscapes. Her award-winning short crime and romance stories appear in Sexy Scandals of Swain Cove, Romance Writers Australia anthologies, Award Winning Australian Writing, and Sisters in Crime Scarlet Stiletto: Ninth Cut.