Michael Giacometti

Australia, Tasmania, Launceston

Michael Giacometti’s poetry explores landscapes – natural and contested. He is the author of ‘Portraits of Country: haiku for central Australia’ (LongShort Press 2018), and the short story collection ‘My Life & Other Fictions’ (Spineless Wonders 2017) which was shortlisted for the 2018 Mascara Avant-garde Award. He won the Northern Territory Literary Award for Poetry in 2012 and 2017. Michael has been a computer programmer, a trekking guide, an arts worker, a bus driver. In 2008 he pulled a cart weighing twice his own body weight across the Simpson Desert, becoming the first (and only) person to complete an east-to-west crossing, solo and unassisted. Formerly of Alice Springs, he now lives in Tasmania with his partner and camp dog.