Steve Gerlach

Australia, Victoria, Melbourne

I am one of Australia’s few thriller writers. Born and bred in Australia, my fast-paced, cut-to-the-bone thrillers are a refreshing voice in the dry, barren Australian literary scene. My background includes many varied roles. I have worked as an editor for a book publisher; as the editor-in-chief of an Australian motorcycle magazine; editor and publisher of an international crime magazine, Probable Cause; a researcher and columnist for a major Australian daily newspaper; a Technical Publications Officer in the security industry; marketing executive for an international telecommunications software company; and I currently work in the field of international transit producers. I also worked as the Historical Advisor on the Australian film, Let’s Get Skase, and I’m working hard in partnership with Probable Cause Productions to see crime and horror tales be brought back to the Australian film scene. I live in Melbourne, Australia, and I’m currently working on a new novel. I hope you enjoy my work and have as much fun reading my novels as I have bringing them to you. My aim is to produce a once-in-a-lifetime ride for all my readers. I pick you up at page one, lock you in tight, and then never let you go – until the last page. Keep your hands inside the cage at all times and enjoy!