Ave Judas

by Cassian Brown
Ave Judas – An SF Conspiracy Thriller

The Second Coming was never meant to be like this …
It is the year of our Lord 2449. The Pope believes he has just forty-four days
to avert a galactic Armageddon by discrediting anew the most reviled man in history.
Owen Stonehaven is leading the strangest of lives. As a child, his mother gives him to a huge and fierce rat kangaroo; as an adult, the Church has him shut into a derelict and lightless spaceship.
Freed, he returns to his home planet, a surreal place that is roamed by lizards of barely imaginable size, towering thunderbirds and ferocious marsupial lions — for on New Yamba a master cloner has been at work re-creating the megafauna of Australia’s past. Owen’s plan is to find the mysterious coin his mother stole on the day she died, a well-worn piece of silver which he hopes will help reveal his true identity, and to await a visit by the brother he loves, Henry, a priest.
Extremists detonate a bomb and Henry is hurt. Owen realises he is the subject of a conspiracy engineered by an all-powerful and ruthless man. As he begins to understand his origins, he finds he cannot shake the darkness at his core. Is betrayal in his genes?

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