Browning in Buckskin

by Peter Corris
‘Well, what do you know,’ he said. ‘I’m very pleased to meet up with you at last, sport.’ I leaned back against the door and started into the mocking grey eyes of Errol Flynn.

Down on his luck in southern California in the middle of the Depression, Richard Browning falls back on his charm and good looks to find a soft landing. Coral Smit who runs a motor court in Three Cedars looks like the answer, but Browning discovers that a sleepy little town can harbor more ruthless criminals than LA.

Cast adrift, he goes first to Montana, where he works as a cowboy and then back to Hollywood to appear before the cameras with Gary Cooper and Anthony Quinn in The Plainsman.

As always, Browning runs into trouble in Hollywood. This time he is caught between the FBI and the Ku Klux Klan and to add to his woes he makes a deadly enemy of an Australian actor named Errol Flynn…

Publication date
  • February 9, 2015

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