Creating the Inner and Outer Temple: A Guide to Modern Meditative Practice

by Adriana Koulias
In the past when a person wanted to obtain spiritual experiences or to be initiated, they would go to a priest or a guru to be assessed. If they were found suitable they would then be allowed to enter the ‘temple’ or monastery, where they would embark on a life’s work of exercises and daily meditative practises. This seclusion was a necessary refuge from the world that enabled the soul of the aspirant to find its connection to the spirit.

As times have changed so too has our consciousness changed and the old meditative path which required a guru and seclusion from the world is no longer necessary. The one who wishes to have spiritual experiences in our times must become his/her own guru or priest and instead of seeking seclusion they can develop an inner and outer temple by seeking to find the spirit in the world itself. For the world is always entering into the soul and the soul is always entering into the world and to develop a consciousness of this in a meditative way is the Modern Path to Meditation.

This book aims to give an introduction to this path in very practical ways.

Publication date
  • June 20, 2019