Cult Of Evolution

by Maurice Hardy

A brilliant scientist and university lecturer, Donna Hammond caught the attention of the scientific community after developing a concept known as evolutionary acceleration. In theory, the process would adapt plants and animals to keep pace with climatic and environmental changes, in the controlled conditions of a science lab. Recognising the enormous potential benefits this discovery may have on future sustainability and food production, scientists and institutions around the globe offered support, backing and input. It appeared Donna had the world at her feet, except her disastrous personal life threatened to destroy all she had achieved.
With a history of abuse and failed relationships, Donna seemed cursed by a seemingly endless sequence of tragic events. Hoping her story would encourage other victims to come forward, Donna agrees to be part of a TV documentary on her life. The public response is phenomenal leading to the formation of a victims’ support movement, and raising a reluctant Donna to a cult-like icon. Now a powerful force, the movement begins to lobby Government for law changes including better protection and support for abuse victims, and tougher penalties from the Courts.
For Donna however, her cruel run of luck continues until she is faced with the prospect of losing not only her career, but also the man she loves. This seems to be enough to push this fragile woman over the edge, and she decides on an extreme course of action with devastating and terrifying consequences.

Publication date
  • August 3, 2015