Gypsy Curse (Gypsy Medium Book 3)

by Andrea Drew
When Gypsy bumps into another shopper during a late night trip for supplies, neither she nor the man she collides with are prepared for what she sees. He has a baby inside him, or so her psychic visions tell her. Shocked, she demands the truth. As he scrambles away from her, calling her crazy, she realizes the spirit she’s sensing is not that of an unborn child, but a young girl. But why should a dead child’s spirit be attached to this man?

As Gypsy digs into the mystery, she discovers the spirit belongs to a child who was murdered as part of a nefarious trafficking ring. The dead girl needs Gypsy’s help to prevent the death of another innocent child. But this is no ordinary trafficking ring. Those who control it are so well connected they’ve gotten away with their crimes for years.

Connor Reardon, Gypsy’s detective boyfriend and reluctant sentinel, steps in, only to discover his own supernatural abilities have increased, despite his best efforts to suppress them. Evidence however remains difficult to find with the enemy just out of reach. Can Gypsy and Connor prove the operation exists and put those responsible behind bars?

Those who love a dark supernatural tale of investigation and tragedy with a race against the clock will love this next book in the Gypsy Medium Series.
