Gypsy Life (Gypsy Medium)

by Andrea Drew
Murder She Wrote meets My Brilliant Career

Written to meet reader requests – although it is has been written as the third book, it can be read in any order, first, second or third. Each of the Gypsy Series follow on from each other but also can be read as stand alone e-books.

From the best-selling author of Gypsy Hunted and Gypsy Cradle comes this prequel which delves into Gypsy’s early family life. It does not require that other books have been read.

My name is Gypsy.
Despite what my family might think, I’m not mad or insane, I’m psychic.
Right now my mission is to satisfy Alfred, considering I’m the only person that can hear him and he’s been annoying the heck out of previous tenants. If Leah hadn’t asked for my help to ‘clear’ her home out, everything would be just fine. Or as fine as it can get when your family thinks you’re not quite right in the head.

In this tale, we learn not only of the years which formed Gypsy’s character, but the mystery of the spirit that won’t leave Gypsy alone.
When helping her sister Leah, whose home is haunted, Gypsy encounters an old man that needs her help. Can she solve the mystery and put a soul at rest?
For those of you that love Gypsy Shields, impulsive, spontaneous, reckless, stubborn yet unfailingly honourable, read Gypsy Life to learn more about the events that shaped her life and made her the woman she became as described in Gypsy Hunted and Gypsy Cradle.

Despite an early version of the manuscript uploading as relatively shorter upon release Gypsy Life will be over 35,000 words long.

Publication date
  • June 13, 2015