Juice It to Lose It: Lose Weight and Feel Great in Just 5 Days
by Joe Cross
Author(s): Joe Cross 9781473613492 Paperback 2016-01-12 From the man who kickstarted the juice craze – sustained weight loss with 7 steps to health The quick and easy diet plan to help you lose weight and feel great! ‘Thanks to my rollercoaster ride through diet fads and failed weight-loss attempts, I found what worked for me, and it can work for you too. Along with my doctors and nutritionists, I’ve done the hard work for you. If you’ve been looking for a weight loss solution that works, you are in the right place. In these pages, you’ll find a simple, foolproof plan to jumpstart a change in your life, your health and your waistline in just 5 days. By picking up this book, you’ve already taken the first step in getting past the road blocks that are keeping you from weight loss and a healthier life.’ JOE CROSS Juice It To Lose It! is the all-new, easy juice diet from the creator of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Follow this step by step plan for weight loss, more energy and a lifetime of optimal health. Why Reboot? A Reboot works with your body’s natural tendency to reset itself when something’s not functioning properly. Because your body has become sluggish from eating too many foods that drag it down, it’s often slow to reset itself the way it would if operating at peak capacity. And that’s where the Reboot comes in. A Reboot enables you to continue to consume the daily calories you need, filling up on nutrient-dense, sunli ght-nourished foods to help restore balance. Why Juice? But why just juice? Why not eat the fruits and vegetables? When you consume only juice, your system is flooded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that help your body stay strong and vibrant. Most research shows diets rich in fruits and vegetables can decrease your risk of certain diseases and one of the easiest ways to get a lot more plant food into your diet – particularly if you’re not used to eating it regularly – is to juice it.
Publication date
- April 26, 2016