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Obliquity: Stories Of A Tilted Perspective (The Australian Pen Book 1)

by Delia Strange
4 (1)
Twelve authors have conspired together to entertain you.

None of the stories in this collection are straightforward. Some have twists, others have hidden meanings. Some stories are heartwarming while others are designed to chill the bone. Certainly all of them fit the description of the title word: ‘obliquity’.

What does obliquity mean?
1. deviation from moral rectitude or sound thinking
(making bad decisions or not thinking clearly)

2. deviation from parallelism or perpendicularity
(not straight forward and not a linear narrative)

3. indirectness or deliberate obscurity of speech or conduct,
an obscure or confusing statement
(trickery, deception and twisty turns)

Authors included (in alphabetical order) are: Kasper Beaumont, Alicia Bruzzone, Linda Conlon, Jodie Lane, Helen Low, Sophie L. Macdonald, F. E. Moran, R. A. Purtill, Duncan Richardson, Lorraine A. Slim, Delia Strange and David Tofts

Publication date
  • January 12, 2017