FAQs for Books

You can use the search bar on our homepage to look for specific books or authors. You can search by genre, gender, name, or location. Alternatively, you can browse through our book categories to discover new titles.

We aim to regularly update our selection of books and authors. If you find a missing book, you can submit a “missing book form” to let us know.

In our blog you can find articles where we share book recommendations, guides, author interviews, reading lists, and more. 

We don’t sell books directly from our site. When you discover a book you’re interested in, just click on it to learn more. You’ll find direct links to websites where you can purchase the book right away.

To refine your search for new books by genre, just navigate to the “By Genre” tab. From there, you can explore books either by author or by specific genres. Happy browsing!

You can keep updated on our authors and their upcoming books via their author profile. You can also be notified about author interviews and releases by reading our blogs for more.