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Phoenix Rising (The Wild Realms of Véneanár)

by Errin Krystal
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Banished and raised in the barracks of Til-Garrion, Tannin is trained to lead armies, not rule a kingdom never meant to be his. Yet he is compelled to accept the royal mantle and join forces with the Elves—ancient enemies of his people. His life is solitary, he’s not looking for a mate—that is until he meets Faëlwyn.

Faëlwyn, a fierce elven princess, finds more than blood and war in the ancestral lands of her people. She finds a man who fascinates her with his attitude and tantalizes her with kisses. Now she must make an impossible choice. Take a chance on love with the human king or forever cling to the love she lost?

As war creeps closer, Tannin and Faë hatch a cunning plan to strike at their enemies. Old ideals crumble and new alliances arise from ashes in a tale of love, war, and betrayal.

Publication date
  • September 1, 2021