
by Noleen Jordan

Myanmar’s Shwedagon Pagoda stands a hundred metres high; its exterior coated with gold, diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and topaz. This opulence pales in comparison to the pagoda’s centrepiece—a single seventy-six-carat diamond perched atop the pagoda’s spire since 1871.

No guards protect this wonder and no CCTV cameras monitor it. Only floodlights at the base provide security, bathing the magnificent structure in light. It’s amazing no one has yet stolen anything from Shwedagon. Sixty-year-old Australian thrill seeker and jewel thief Hannah Nolan plans to change that.

Nolan’s going for the big prize—all seventy-six carats of it. To succeed, she’ll need partners, careful planning, and a fence willing to move one of the most famous diamonds in the world. She’ll also need to tread carefully around her husband Simon, a police detective with no knowledge of his wife’s habit of operating outside of the law.

Hannah’s hatched the perfect scheme, with only one small problem: no heist ever goes as expected.

A fast-paced account of high-stakes jewel theft, Shwedagon follows Hannah from Australia to India, Myanmar, and Thailand, where the Shwedagon diamond will discover its final resting place.

Publication date
  • June 9, 2015

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