The Bequeathment

by Catherine McCallum
What if … what if you suddenly became aware that you had special abilities? Special abilities bequeathed to you from those in your family who died before you? What do you do? A sense of direction for those permanently lost, an ability to speak to animals, an invisible bubble of peace for the anxious. Join a group of friends navigating life in metropolitan Johannesburg as their bequeathments manifest in beautiful, troubling or welcome ways.

Magic realism meets young millennials Ruth, Ayanda, Daisy, Gabriel and Robyn. The gifts help or hinder their progress to full adulthood, presided over by the comforting presence of Jack the dog. From the author of “Sanctuary for a Name” and “The Birch Tree Path” comes a light-hearted look at magical gifts and its startling effects.

The lives of these friends change irrevocably as bequeathments begin to manifest. First, Ayanda – a high flyer with no interest in animals – suddenly and inexplicably chats to random animals and to Jack, the newest and most unexpected addition to the group. Then grumpy Gabriel recognizes his “bubble” as the place of calm he conjures to escape the digital buzz, and uses to comfort those around him. Daisy follows, and soon the friends are caught up in the confusion of their bequeathments. Robyn, a graphic artist and heiress, frantic for her financial acumen bequeathment to be bestowed, is drawn into the group where she finds solace as she struggles with the information her siblings cruelly dump on her when their father dies.

But dark bequeathments also emerge …

Publication date
  • July 14, 2022