The Meagan Phenomenon

by Maurice Hardy

When Weather Bureau scientists confirmed a massive ‘super storm’ was forming off Tasmania’s west coast, Bureau of Meteorology Field Operations Manager, Meagan McKenzie was sent to the far north western district to coordinate the event.
As her parent’s farm was ideally situated in the area, Meagan decided to set up her base there. Conveniently, this coincided with a welcome home party organised for Brendon, on leave from the army.Arriving two days earlier than predicted, the storm proved to be the most destructive ever to have hit the region. Homes and buildings were torn apart and people were stranded and trapped as they desperately sought shelter.
Meagan’s role became crucial as the centre of communications, and liaising between the emergency services. Family, friends and neighbours were caught in a deadly struggle of survival, while old feuds and rivalries were forgotten as the storm unleashed its fury.
For Meagan’s sister Tara, it was time to confront her worst nightmare. To save her badly injured boyfriend she would have to seek the help of the Coleman’s.
Living in an isolated bush shack, Old Ma Coleman was believed to be a witch, and her sons – deranged monsters. Could this strange family be her saviours, or was Tara walking into something far worse than any storm?

Publication date
  • April 19, 2013