The Wizardess: The Sorcerer’s Oath Book 4

by Jenny J Ealey

The Wizardess is the 527-page final novel of the Sorcerer’s Oath fantasy series, which follows the sorcerer prince, Tarkyn, and his followers, both sorcerers and woodfollk, as they use magic and strategy in a struggle to prevent civil war. The novel is aimed predominantly for adults but would be suitable for good readers from 12 years old up.

One man’s dream is another man’s nightmare

As the showdown between them looms, King Kosar and Prince Jarand use forest fire, subterfuge, clandestine troops and poisoned parchment to vie for Tarkyn’s support. The Wizardess of the Lost Forest emerges from her woodland home to fight with Tarkyn to save Eskuzor from the rivalry of his brothers,