The Wizard’s Curse (Scorcerer’s Oath Series Book 2)

by Jenny J Ealey

Lawlessness is rife in Eskuzor, land of sorcerers, as Prince Jarand works to undermine the rule of Kosar, his twin brother.
The wizard, Stormaway Treemaster, has named exiled Prince Tarkyn the future hope for Eskuzor, but when Tarkyn rescues a family from attack by bandits, they cower in fear of him. Slowly, people begin to question the truth of the king’s accusations, bringing Tarkyn under increasing pressure from the sorcerer population to take their part against his brothers.
Rescue comes from an unexpected quarter when mountainfolk attack Tarkyn. In the aftermath, Midnight, a scrawny abused woodchild, seeks refuge with him. Does this neglected child hold the key to the mountainfolk’s perfidy? Tarkyn must summon all his courage to face what is asked of him to save these people from becoming forever corrupt.
And when the prince and his home guard reach their journey’s end, Tarkyn engages in a mental duel with an embittered woodman, 
to gain knowledge that stuns woodfolk and sorcerers alike, with 
its implications.