To Love an Earl Twice: A Romance & Reincarnation Novella (1)

by Cassandra L Shaw

Can love once forsaken, be reborn two centuries later?
Charlene feels compelled to start a new life in a village that causes the oddest sense of déjà vu.
On a visit to a nearby manor, she sees a portrait of a man and becomes infatuated with the Earl of Townsend who died two centuries ago. When she bumps into a man who is the spitting image of the earl, her world spins into a mix of the past and the present.
All his life Jake has dreamed about a woman dressed in Regency period clothing, feeling even love and desire for her when he was nothing more than child. When he meets her living doppelgänger, he sees it as fate and pursues her.
But is the love they share from this life, or from another?

Publication date
  • August 26, 2016