Torn Apart (Cliff Hardy series)

by Peter Corris
Hardy has never been much of a family man, so when he meets his second cousin Patrick Malloy it’s like being hit with a left hook to the solar plexus—Malloy is his double. Cliff and his cousin become friends and travel to attend a gathering of the Irish Travellers, the gypsy-like folk from whom they are descended. On their return, Malloy is brutally murdered—but perhaps the shotgun blast was intended for Hardy. He is delicensed and semiretired, but this investigation is personal. The plot becomes still more personal when Malloy’s ex-wife, Sheila, comes onto the scene. Hardy has his own enemies and Malloy’s to consider as he searches for the killer. Clues point in many directions—to Sheila’s motives, to Malloy’s suspect business dealings, and to his time as a mercenary in Angola. The search takes Hardy north to a paramilitary training camp and south to a meeting of Traveller descendants in Kangaroo Valley. Other players have other interests and their playing style is ruthless.

Publication date
  • July 20, 2010

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