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Weight Loss Secrets and Strategies: Gluten-Free Fat Burning Recipes to Lose Weight Quickly

by Chris Hammer
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Are you gluten-free and struggling to lose weight?

Fat burning is a process that reduces fat stores in our body. Fat burning occurs under two different circumstances.

– Primarily, fats are burnt during exercise or workouts. The cells utilize the fats as a fuel for releasing energy required by the body to perform various activities. When the activities are intense, the fat burning process also becomes intense.

– Fat burning also occurs during the process of digestion. In order to digest the foods, our body burns the fat to release energy. This energy is used for digestion. However, the fats that are burnt during digestion are quite less compared to the nutrients, sugar and fats obtained from the food.

– On the other hand, there are certain low-calorie or fat-free foods that does not contain any fat contents. In order to digest such foods, our body might need to burn more fats. In short, consumption of such food items helps in reducing weight. Such food items are known as fat-burning foods. Fat-burning recipes are made using such food items.

What you’ll learn inside:

– What gluten-free is
– Who should be gluten-free
– Tips, tricks, and gluten-free recipes for losing weight
– And much,
MUCH more!

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Publication date
  • March 4, 2014