Catherine McCallum

Australia, Tasmania, Coles Bay

Catherine McCallum has lived in Johannesburg, South Africa since the late sixties. A child of global travelers (India, Burma, Gibraltar, England, Canada, Zimbabwe), she had stayed firmly put in the city of her choice. A fascination for family memories has led to two fictional books about interpretations of the past, either flawed or the glorious re-telling of tales. Her books also capture the South Africa of today – the clash of the presumption of the young and the experiences of the old. Now, a touch of magic realism appears in her third book, as family abilities get passed on through the generations, an ability you might want – or not! Animals start to speak to you, floating in business meetings, bubbles of peace in this digital, busy age. Cooking, a sense of direction, all sorts of things happen when a blood relative passes on… “The Bequeathment”, published in July 2022.